Now, I know what you’re thinking.
Okay, I really don’t. But one thing I do know is that you like money. Who doesn’t? You people just keep pretending and blaming it on “Igbo Girls” like it’s a bad thing, yet, somehow you’re here reading this. Don’t worry, I don’t judge, your secret is safe with me.
Here’s five ways you can make money from your bed, (since you don’t leave it anyway):
If you can take crisp and clean photos, this is something you may want to consider. Register as a contributor on iStock, Shutterstock, Alamy, etc and get paid everytime your pictures are bought. If you’re a content creator, you probably have tons of shots that didn’t make the Instagram or blog cut. You don’t have to delete them. If you own a camera, or a phone with a good one, put it to good use.
Okay, you’d have to leave your bed for this one. There’s a lot of time on your hands now, you’re the one that has chosen to lounge around in PJs all day and wonder why it gets dark so fast. Get to work! There’s probably a lot of things in your house that you don’t need/use anymore. Take pictures and put them up for sale. Everyone’s screentime has increased now, so take advantage of that. Raid your closet, find the pieces you don’t use anymore, take pictures, make videos, style them, whatever you want. Just get that schmoney.

Hol’ up. It’s not just for bloggers or YouTubers, you too can eat of the good of the land. Do you have an engaging audience on your social media platform? Brands see you as an ATM. Dust your butt, and get your head in the game. Reach out to as many brands as you can with a pitch. You’d be shocked at the response. (Shocked can be both ways sha, but if it goes south, at least now you know one way that doesn’t work. Re-strategize and go at it again.)
In this post on 20 Side Hustles Ideas, I talked about this. It is even more expedient now that everyone is trying to develop skills and homeschool their toddlers. It doesn’t have to be on big sites. You can hold a whatsapp class on something you know your audience would love to learn from you. It could be on Instagram, Zoom, Telegram, or any platform you choose.

Now wait, wait. I know what you’re thinking this time. Ghetto, right? Dey there. If you’re a DIY type of person, this is something worth considering. There are tons of videos you can watch on YouTube. Crosscheck to confirm the required standard (Here’s a guide) and get to work! You can order fabrics from online stores, and if they cannot deliver, get a logistics company that can pickup from them. God Is Good Motors is currently able to dispatch interstate: I use them for Shop Alma. Some affordable, lightning fast logistics companies available during this lockdown are Abiks Logistics in Lagos and Oga Delivery in Port Harcourt.
I tried to make this list as applicable-to-the-Nigerian-scene as possible, that’s why I didn’t talk about things like online surveys, virtual assistanships, etc. You can dig deeper and find more details on some of these other things and see if they can work for you. You can also look at this post I made on 20 Side Hustle Ideas, there are some things you can adapt to the happenings of the times to secure the bag. You have my blessings
I hope you found this helpful. If you did, please share. Do you have any other suggestions? Something you sthink should be on this list? Please leave a comment for others to see.
Go forth and chase that purse.
Yours from PJs to PJs,