
As easy as it seems, this is one of the hardest posts I’ve had to write. Not because there’s so many things I have loved, it’s quite the opposite. I had to think so hard. April has been one big month for me, mostly because I put in a lot of work – in my creative journey, and all round personal development. So from books to midnight snacks to apps to fashion pieces to selfcare; here are my top 5 picks for April;


I’m currently crawling through the last of the three – “Keep Going” because I don’t want it to end. Yes, it’s that good. Before now, I had never read a book from start to finish at once, but I did it with “Steal like an Artist”. I haven’t stopped going on and on about them on my Instagram because; the informal tone, the practical advice, the relatable stories, ugh, Austin Kleon did a thing with this.


Earlier this month, I started creating short “motivational” films and challenged myself to post one everyday for 2 weeks straight on my Instagram. It was my first consistency test and I aced it thanks to Inshot (well, and sheer discipline, but let’s just say it’s Inshot so the story would make sense). This app is the best video editor I’ve used and it’s so convenient because I can do all of the magic on my phone!


This has been my drink of choice all April. Now I don’t know how to explain why I love the drink, I just love it. If you have any ideas how to speak on behalf of your tastebuds, they’d be very much appreciated. Till then, we’re just going to stick with describing Orijin as refreshing and grown-up (loooool, next please, before I disgrace my vocabulary here)


I got the Hydro Care variant last month and I have used it almost everyday recently especially before bed. I love how hydrated it keeps my lips and I don’t know if this is weird, but everytime I have it on, I feel more put-together and organized.


There are few things you can assure yourself that I would almost never be caught doing. One of them is letting my hair down at home. Since the lockdown started, I’ve had different headwear stages – silk bonnets, scarves, headwraps – and I haven’t looked back. I feel a lot more comfortable and the right amount of laidback to be able to do everything I need to do.

These are all my April favourites and now I’m done writing it, I wonder why it was hard in the first place. Oh well, is there anything on my list that made it to yours? Please share in the comments section below. My April blogging streak has come to an end and I’m glad I did this. Thank you for your time, for cheering me on and being here. I appreciate you and I hope May shows up and shows out for you as you have for me.

With all the love in my heart,



  • El

    May 25, 2020

    Lmaoooo, now you’ll make me buy the books. Started using InShot lately and I love ittttt!!!! I was amazed by the things I could do to a video. It’s a great app and sometimes very underrated.


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